Midnight Paradise v0.7.1 - Pretty good
+ no bugs
+ music in most scenes
+ good renders
+ good animations
+ good-looking interface
+ gallery with all scenes!
- Since I forgot to watch TV (Dad/Mom tells you to "work hard" so I just attended uni and did the mafia lawyer missions) and didn't realise TV is to unlock Isabel/Joyce route, until all Ruby scenes were completed. So game feels too long/slow, drags on past day ~30-40
- Since it takes way too long to actually fug the characters, the uncanny valley effect of the 3D models start to stand out and overshadow the initial beauty. Faces look kinda odd close-up with yuge cheekbones and very sharp chins.
- Evening events too empty, only Isabel massages available?
- Best friend return came too late, you're already juggling 3 interests in the house, teacher at uni - then aunt, maid and hony russian mafia lady appears wtf
- No visual indication when study/pool finally opens, door icons stay the same.
Minor comments
Since you literally can't get laid until the end of the game, only Elite bonus scenes #1-3 are the best wank material. The others just don't measure up. If you prefer actual fugging to wanking at people, you're not getting much from this game.
- 2 spelling mistakes, forgot where, sorry
- Hint system very useful, but incomplete
? Why does everybody have sleep paralysis

? I want to enter the brother's room. What was that "thump" noise anyway? Why is it always unenterable?
? Not actually a lifesim game, it's event-based story unlocking. Player cash/doing jobs/attending class doesn't actually matter.