Er... did someone leave open the kindergaten door? Guys, what's the fuss?
Most of the content of yesterday's devlog was already known. The fact that you can't, or don't want to accept Ocean's decision should be your problem. If you are unable to understand the meaning of the acronym AVN, then perhaps you are not mature enough to play this type of game?
It is quite tiring to read through pages where someone is sure that the S1 will not be successful, because someone said so. It's like he has a crystal ball, or is a time traveler. It's a shame that the reasons described by Ocean don't bother you in the least. By the way, according to my memories, Ocean previously declared that he is not interested in a lot of fuss about who likes what and what doesn't like, he will do what he wants, he will shape the story the way he wants, and not the way some know-it-alls demanded of him. Accept it, it will be easier for everyone, especially you.
In the meantime, I'm waiting for S1 to come out, and I'll buy it as soon as it's available on GOG.