RPGM - Defenestration [v0.5f hotfix] [Fresh Mulan]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    A game with an original concept in history, a well-crafted and elaborate art,
    in addition to the great possibility of customization, in addition to the well-developed dialog and even
    funny (depending on the point of view). And taking into account the version the game presents
    a rather high level of story development, of course the game is not perfect
    so far, but it's on track to become a memorable game.

    _The story is very well done and crafted and portrays an alternative Russian reality well
    _Wealth in the dialogues, portraying the country's culture well
    _Secondary Characters well crafted and with a certain depth (something rare)
    _The art, honestly, is breathtaking
    _Customization of the character's body and appearance

    _Lack of options to raise character corruption
    _Few repetitive events during the game
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    As far as RPG maker games are concerned, this is one of the best out there. Writing is funny, art is great. Unfortunately it's on Patreon, meaning everything is consensual with the good old (/s) mind control/nympho drug as the most questionable thing to happen. It fits well due to the theme of this game, but it'd be nice to have the whole package. Could use some more sandbox scenes in general.

    UPDATE: I've noticed the dev has reduced their subscription price. I remember it being higher anyway, but now it's 3 dollars. Of course always do your homework before subscribing and keep on top of it, but it's pretty lenient. Look forward to more of your imagination!
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    big fuck-off world with lots of empty space and non-interactions accompanied by little player choice and
    basically no guidance.

    Customization might be nice, but
    no stat or fetish menu when the game keeps insisting on them?

    Wandering about the very few choices I found in an RPGM world is not fun
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Original concept, amazing artwork, insane level of character customization, the fact that you can play as a bimbo and every dialogue in the game the character says becomes hilariously dumb. And the game is hella funny, which is subjective I guess, but if you do have a sense of humor - you should like this one. Extra points for removing the standard rpg maker grind. In fact, I didn’t find any grind, so I don’t know what some other reviewers are talking about.

    My only gripe is the pacing - it's all over the place right now, and I get that it’s still a “beta”, but this fact just needs to be addressed. This issue could easily be fixed if the author adds more sex scenes, especially in the early game.

    The art and dialogue alone make this game worth at least 3 stars by default imho. I’m giving this one 5, because I like what I’m seeing so far, I see potential and I’m hopeful it continues in this direction.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    I really wanted to like this game, I was mislead by all the high reviews.

    - Grindy
    - Slow progression
    - Not animated
    - Difficult to navigate
    - Buggy
    - Bad implementation
    - Lack of choices
    - Small CG
    - Repetitive

    - Cool setting
    - Interesting art
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    This is possibly one of the worst RPGmaker games I've ever played. Walls and walls of flowery prose written by someone laughing too hard at their own jokes. Abysmal implementation of menus completely disregarding the accepted standards of games made in RPGmakers. The pacing of the story is glacial and unrewarding. I spent almost four hours wandering around town desperately trying to get to any scenes or relevant character progression. It's boring, it's tedious, and it's only got 333 pages of replies because the art is above par.

    It's insane to think this game gets 2k a month. Surely the patrons could just commission the artist directly for that kind of money and skip this awful "middleman" package of a game?
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    Maybe there is a good porn game buried under the excessive cursing, stupid dialogue, and meme references. But within 3 hours of putting up with this intentional stupidity, I've found a staggeringly bad waitress game that causes the game to drop to single digit frames per second, conversations filled with the protagonist cussing out the local morons for more than half the dialogue, and a drug trip scene where you compliment hobos to beat them. I found exactly zero sex scenes, only a couple of scenes of nudity.

    Put simply, skip it.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    This review is for the game as of 4.9.9.

    I'm giving this a 5/5 because there isn't really a way to give this a 9/10. There's definitely room for improvement when it comes to fairly minor things, but IMO the dev has done one hell of a job at improving from two years ago.

    - The development cycle went to shit somewhere around 2021, to the point where it became a running gag. In the past year, transparency has improved quite a bit, with good interaction from Mulan primarily on Patreon and on Discord, but that's been balanced out by the fact that Mulan and Moana live in a little country called Ukraine. You might have heard of it. Hard to do dev work when cruise missiles are being slung at power plants.
    - Repeatable events are there, but extremely limited. Right now, most of them are in Vivarium.

    + The setting. The cyberpunk version of the Soviet Union is both dystopian and fucking hilarious, and the fact that it's grounded somewhat in reality by the devs living in a post-Soviet republic adds a lot of depth to the game.
    + Even though repeatable events are fairly sparse, the plot-relevant events are extremely well done and are well worth the replay.
    + The game feels very well populated due to a mix of both generic and named characters. Those that are there are memorable in their own right.
    + There's definitely a road map for development. While Mulan is fairly secretive about it, the more frequent progress reports mean that new events and tweaks to already existing events are fairly intuitive.
    + The art. Holy hell, the art.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    The best triple H RPG of all time which unfortunately found itself colliding against the bottleneck of ESA 1984,
    the satire mixed with a plausible science fiction unlike cyber toilets with integrated bidet, allow an astounding involvement for a developed game with such a cheap game engine.
    The only flaw is precisely that the material is so wide and ranges between different themes that it cannot find a place in such poor means,
    it is a pity that there are games financed billions for little more than some animation and obsolete turn-based mechanics, while our poor busty girl has to dry her tears with her breasts.
    What I mean is that the main character even by skipping and fapping furiously manages to earn an identity and not a weak and precarious gender identity, but a real identity managing to remain in the imagination.
    In conclusion, a product that manages to send a message and personally a vision key that can also find a home in other works.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Insanely good game, little buggy but easily in the top 5 bimbofication games. Also great game if you love outfit customization. Intriguing game mechanics, good world building, very enjoyable, will leave you wanting more. This is one of the games I enjoyed very much, and it has decent replay-ability, with a lot to discover, and multiple paths and choices you can make.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    Could've been a good game, but somehow missed the mark. I haven't been playing it long, but there's endless conversations at the start, that are tedious and boring. Some are kinda funny, and the "Ace Attorney" was amusing for about 4 frames, but I ended up skipping through it when I realized it was WAY longer of a segment than it should've been.

    Character portraits are decent, though I was immediately disappointed by the fact that "body changes" are forced on you within the starting minutes of the game. Some people may be into "breast expansion" mechanics, and that's fine for them, but not being given a choice in the matter just felt like "sour milk".. pun intended.

    Story could be interesting.. but it's hard to know because it takes way too long to get going, and just felt like endless clicking through one tedious conversation after another, with NOTHING in between to keep me interested.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Defenestration proposes a very unique world, with good characters and an interesting story
    The CGs are nice, a bit weird sometimes but always fit the scenes they are in
    Mental manipulation, brainwashing and physical changes are the main focus
    It's not grindy but a bit slow since you have to walk around a bit

    The bad thing is the development speed, which is really slow. But it's not dead and its author really continues to improve it.
    Though he tends to go back and forth on things that shouldn't be changed
  13. 3.00 star(s)

    Golden Idiot

    Version: v0.4.9.8]

    I really do like the premise of the game, a cyberpunk style of game set in the Soviet Union is a very unique world when comparing to other games on this website. The art style also reflects this type of world just the right way to perfectly fit in to this games reality. And i really like this games journey to either becoming a brainwashed slut or just a sane slut, this mechanic is done quite well.

    But despite all the positives this games has stretched itself beyond what it is capable. Many parts of this game feel like they were left behind in terms of development time, it just feels that the dev worked on something for a reasonable amount of time, got bored and moved on the next thing, leaving what they started unfinished. Put simply, its a lot like taking a a few bites of pizza which are at just the right temperature to really bring out the flavour, but the rest of the pizza is at best fucking warm, at worst cold, this really kills my vibe, sure, ill eat the pizza, but it doesnt mean im going enjoy the rest of it.

    Plus, the story is all over the place, i cant exactely tell what the fuck is going, sure i can follow the story and its characters, i just cant tell how does any of this make sense, the human element in this story is very two dimensional, it lacks substance.

    And from i have read on this board, is the fact that this version of the game is essiancaly in its final version. Because you can tell this games writing was done under some sort of influence of drugs and its seem that those drug have defeated the developer and he can no longer continue.

    If i discovered this game in its very early stages of development, i would have given it an easy 5/5, solely for its potential. But considering this game is halfway done, i can tell it did not achieve its ambitious goals. Atleast it tried, which deserves some respect.
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    Defenestration [v0.4.9.8]

    It really hurts me to give this game two stars, because it looks very promising, has a great premise and artstyle etc. But I think it´s way too overambitious with the tools the Developer has available.

    Love the Art style
    Good Story

    It´s an RPGM game, so you will discover some issues with these games like having no skip option, getting lost in the game and not knowing what to do next, which can make the game feel grindy.
    You walk and walk, talk and talk and on the end of the playthrough, which feels like 20 hours, you feel like you haven´t achieved much, which shows how badly paced this game is.
    I think the choice of the Engine is detrimental to the game, especially if you have so many paths that forces you to concentrate to develop a whole world, but stops you from developing the story further.
    If this was a renpy VN, I bet it would’ve been finished already and “probably” one of the best games on this site.
    I´m not a fan of the Mini-games.
    There are still many bugs and I had some crashes. The game also suffers from slow-downs every once in a while.

    Lack of Content:
    This game is heading to it´s 5th year of development and it sadly doesn´t have much content. You will rather quickly see “End of the Path in current version” ,which is quite disappointing and kinda shows that it´s too ambitious for it´s own good, which I already talked about.
    It doesn´t matter if it´s side quests, dialogue options, sex scenes or pictures, the world or the game in general feels too empty.

    Sex Scenes:
    They are few and far between and don´t feel rewarding or interesting enough for the time you have to invest to unlock them and there is also no gallery.
    Even if you try to make her a slut you won´t see much sex content, and it feels like the Sex was unimportant in the Development of the game.

    The RPGM music in this game will get pretty annoying after a while.
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    Reviewed version

    Tl;Dr: A pretty average-quality heroine-game with technical problems, but a good artstyle and a decent ammount of content. Probably could have done with being less ambitious.

    The mc-theme is what you're here for, and the draw of it are the visuals more than the execution of scenes. There's some nice spirals and some nice scene-implementation, but the sex-scenes themselves are pretty barren, with more focus given to just fleshing out the futurist-USSR world. As a fan of hypno, it's pretty meh.

    The technical problems are pretty numerous. During a couple of hours of play I found intense slowdown in the waitressing minigame, a black-screen softlock when changing from an area, and pretty consistent loading-issues with the character-images (mostly just an issue of the lackluster engine and implementation).

    The gameplay here is purely A-to-B interaction-based, so it's pretty much a visual novel. Just slower and more limited by RPGM.
  16. 2.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 2191732

    Reviewed version:

    1. Lack of content (-1*).
    2. Travel times, excessive dialogue, lack of dialogue skip function (-1*).
    3. Lack of gallery and non-replayable scenes (-1*).

    Long version:
    Nothing here is finished. Any path you try to pursue in the game - from the waitress path, to the clinic patient path, to the farm path and so forth - is cut off only a fraction of the way through, and generally, with no option to let Kira have the upper hand or, alternatively, have Kira involved in more than one sex scene.

    Of what little content there is, the art is very good. I like the communist dystopia narrative, the puns and witticisms are mostly decent (although pun haters beware, this game has a LOT of those).

    But, again, there isn't enough content to care. For something that's upwards of 1GB to have this little content, and so much downtime between things, and so much time wasted on travel, it's just too much of a hassle and for a game that touts being able to bimboify the protagonist, she sure as hell doesn't have much going on.

    If this thing had a gallery function and you found a full save for it, I'd have given that a 4/5 because it'd cut the travel and dialogue times out and leave just the art. Still a point down for having too little content, but at least not obnoxiously slow and exorbitantly time consuming.

    Having to actually go through this, on all its variations and with all the downtime of travel and excessive dialogue (that's great the first time, not so much the third time when you want to see a specific variation like, for example, the farm content with and then without lactation) it's just too much effort and time to merit anything higher than a 2/5.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    I really enjoyed this game.

    - One of the most interesting world-building I've played in a game to date. A unique and different vision of a dystopian Soviet Union society I don't think I've seen anywhere else.
    - Very sexy and well drawn art
    - Surprisingly good music
    - Choices matter. Some events will only happen if you make specific choices I'm not talking about a few lines of dialogue being different: sometimes you get 10 - 20 min long scenes with hand drawn art that only happens if you make one choice as opposed to another. That in itself is better and more impactful handling of choice than I've seen in other adult games.
    - Well done heroine. I'm really not a fan of corruption games where the heroine faints at the sight of a dick or some bullshit like that, and I'm glad this game keeps our heroine modest but not timid. It's a perfect balance.

    - Okay, honestly for me this would have been the perfect game. But the updates are very slow. There may be months between updates, and I honestly don't think the story will ever finish. However, depending on playspeed you can probably still get 20 - 30 hrs out of this. That's the length of Chrono Trigger! So pretty solid still.
    - Some scenes can be out of order depending on how you play thru. Like Kira will be a total brainwashed slut in one quest, and on the next she'll revert back to hesitating for a blowjob. However, the writing and slow build up of sexual tension is very well done in most sex scenes, especially from a female's POV (I suspect the dev and artists themeslves are probably girls given the quality of writing), and I didn't really mind her getting "reclimitized" to sex again. With this said, I understand people who expect some hardcore penetration scenes to happen and be dissapointed when our heroine backs off and hestiates.

    If you like corruption games, dystopian sci fi, or a female protagonist game, you'll likely find plenty to like in this game.
    My final verdict: It ain't finished and I really wish it was, and it ain't perfect, but it's one of the best if not the best adult games I've played to date.
  18. 4.00 star(s)

    God of Debauchery

    This is for v0.4.9.6

    This is a very decent game with a very sexy MC and some very sexy scenes, but takes WAY too long to play (over 24 hours played at this point and I still haven't seen everything because most of the time playing is spent in dialogue).

    Really, the only cons are that you have to willfully make bad choices to get to the sexy stuff and the severe amount of pointless and idiotic dialogue you have to sit through is just painful, especially since there's an option to just zone out of the conversation at the expense of intelligence points, meaning the only way to not deal with absurd amounts of dialogue is to either skip it all and just hope you don't miss anything important, or play as a dumb bimbo (which is a valid option).

    Aside from that, the only complaint I have is that you can take side missions out of order from what makes sense in the game logic, meaning your character will say and interact with things and situations in ways that just don't make sense, or just feel out of order considering it doesn't feel like you're officially out of the intro until you get to the second series of questions that allow you to enable/disable content.

    Speaking of not making sense, your character can apparently squat 600kg which is 1377lbs or so from the get-go, but you can't overpower anyone if your stats don't meet specific requirements and punching one of the KGB guards in the nuts doesn't obliterate their entire existence and just winds you up in court/jail.

    So basically, if you want to get to the juicy content, you have to play against common sense and become a complete bimbo (which is still valid), but then you have to deal with the problem of your own dialogue being painful to read constantly.

    Art- great
    Plot- hail Stalin
    gameplay - am I in yet?
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    one of the best female protagonist corruption games out there, seems like they are adding many kinks to the game, only negative about it is that it takes a while for updates to this beautiful game, hopefully the game will expand on its foundation with more side quests and easter eggs love the quirkiness of the crazy world that has been created.
  20. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 4619290

    Love it. The bimbofication route in this game is the best I've ever seen. Artwork is incredible too. The game has some minor issues, for example, your Lust stat will go up only after working in a diner and it won't change after much hornier stuff, but this is fixable and can be easily overlooked.