RPGM - Defenestration [v0.5f hotfix] [Fresh Mulan]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    That’s a hard one to rate. Based on the quality of the gaming experience, I’d give it a 3 stars tops. But the unique art style and setting makes this game a must-play. In short - if you can tolerate unpolishness, unfinished quests and semi-working gameplay mechanics, or into exhibitionism, public use and bimbofication, go play this one.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    One of my favorite games, and i'm looking foreward to the final version. I love the artstyle of the game, and like the corruption aspect of it. The option of different clothes is also my favorite, as I like being able to change how the girl looks.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    The Game is really. . . Great,

    And now what's good/great abput this game:
    • ArtStyle, the characters, art design is awesome,
    • Nice design of the maps/levels, the Vivarium and farms are interestin' maps levels,
    • interestin' idea of the world in this game.
    • The story, plot is really good, but there's always a place for improvement,
    • The side quests, but there could be more,
    • Not linear story, ya can choose to help Resistance, or stand on the KGB, and Federation side. (it looks like the Story, main plot is not comlepeled so i dunno if these choices ya can actually betray the Resistance, i mean we don't actually know how the story/plot will be developed in near future or just future)(What If? we choose the KGB, or Resistance. . . how the plot will change, and if we agree with the Chief Lab Officer then he is tellin' us to visit and listen to the doctors, takin' pills etc... how to do that? where to find pills he is talkin about? ).
    • it's nice ya can just go and explore the maps, after the prologue,
    • it's good there are a list of jobs,(but will they be in the future versions?)
    what's bad about this game:
    • a lot of "End of the Path in current version" especially "Mosfilms" and Vivarium
    • bugs, game is crashing sometimes, but rarely,
    • Could be more new art content in interactions with npcs like customers in the bar, and with the beast, the characters with "yellow" dialogue options in Vivarium,
    • in Vivarium, there is a quick form/questionnarie with options of further content like pregnancy, lactation, the question is. . . is this game have a pregnancy content? at all? and how this pregnancy content will work? with what npcs exactly?
    i think it is a really good game, but needs to have a little more public information, or any information about current, developin' process. thx ^^

    4 ⭐/5 from me
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the greats

    Seriously had a blast playing through and soaking up every grain of content that exists thus far!

    The development has been slow from what I can tell after I took a year-long hiatus from Defenestration there were two small updates that added little to nothing in the progress of the story. the scope looks to be enormous with multiple hubs that still haven't even been created. Everything that comes out is interesting and arousing to enjoy for instance the incomplete area outside of Russia Vivarium has so much to do but still has unfinished pathing.

    Only play this now if you have literally nothing else to play. After putting well over 100 hours into this world I can't help but wish for more!
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    The game has a great ambient for an rpgm; the images are pretty good, albeit there is a lack of customization (for v0.4.9.2). The story, off course, is pretty incomplete, and the side quests are not that deep, but the game is satisfying if you like hypnosis/making a bimbo. Freedom is always welcomed. Great potential.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game, the current version (v0.4.9.2) has WAY more than 5 hours of gameplay. Lots of quest routes are still unfinished but what's there is really nice.
    The choices you make affect the base stats of your character. Which have an impact on the way your character talks. The stat with most prominent impact is intelligence. Get your INT stat as low as possible and feel yourself get dumber irl because of the incoherent shit your character start spewing. This is not a bad thing, dialogue is always interesting even in non-sex scenes.
    Couple the dialogue, the good art and the wide range of fetishes available with the insane setting this game takes place in and you've got yourself a winner.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    The game has some of the best artwork I've seen in a porn game, and a distinctive style.
    The story and setting are fun, depressing and completely absurd, yet holds within a set of suspend of disbelief.

    But, they have gone too far in their attempt to please everyone for everything. Now they are working on implementing pregnancy into the game. Yet another voluntary fetish that will need to be worked into the already enormous mix of transformations of the PC.
    And it's buggy, unintuitive and horribly paced.

    They need an english speaking editor, a more strict QA testing and help from someone with more experience in pacing.

    I'm not a patreon and even though it's one of the best games around I will not be unless they get a grip on these issues and prove that they can deliver on a reasonable time.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    - the MC is really beautiful and the trasformation makes her greater
    - the world is very nice with no combat mechanics make very good
    -the multi route will make alot of work for the dev but I hope will be for what he giving
    - the art is really great and but there alot of old art in the game I hope the dev will work on the gameplay more them re art stuff so we enjoy things way more
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    really lovely mc and idea of the background of the game I really loooooooooooooooove it so much I really love the status of the mc make diffrenet in the game and bomb route not bimobo is amazing I looking forward to it and I hope the dev dont abonde this gem and start working hard for it
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    146/100 for the lore
    100/100 for the story
    100/100 for the style
    95/100 for the dialogues
    90/100 for existing H content
    0/100 for update rate
    Must be played once 'as is'. Don't wait for updates more often then once per 3-4 months. Be ready to realize that only 1 update per year have notable amount of content.
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    *Hot scenes.
    *Very kinky.
    *Good art.
    *Authentic Russian life experience. Indeed, comrade.

    *Story is imbecilic, i think the dev tried to be funny too hard.
    I felt like i was losing brain cells just from reading that stuff.
    *Basically no animation, what attempts there were, were weak.
    *Generally default rpgmaker sounds/music, it caused me nothing but headache so i had to turn everything off.

    If i had to name a primary kink the game mostly focuses on, it would be: Humiliation. Mind control close second.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is really promising! Has a pretty significant amount of content so far, great art, pretty interesting story, decent writing, good humor, and really good scenes. Looking forward to future updates, and hoping to see the game get a gallery/recollection room in the future. And I would love to see it get some voicework! Also, hoping for a full walkthrough at some point? That way you know for sure if you've unlocked all the possible scenes, and because sometimes the quest log and hint system aren't quite clear enough.

    [EDIT]: I've noticed a lot of people complaining about the amount of dialogue in these reviews, so I'll say this: if you wanna read all the non-sex dialogue, do it. The humor is pretty good and the story is fairly interesting, I've enjoyed it so far, but I also already like reading. If you don't want to read it, hold the Enter button and the text will move faster. Same if you're repeating a scene and don't want to sit through the whole thing again, but be careful with that because some of the scenes (like the gym scenes) will have subtle changes in them as Kira becomes more lustful and corrupted.
    I've also seen some people complaining about pacing, but honestly, I can't relate to that issue at all. I thought the pacing was fine, and I'm almost done with the content for this version ( Sure, there isn't a ton right at the start, but that's true of most games, and it usually makes more sense that way, especially in games focused on corrupting the main character. Plus, the scenes you do get are really good. If you're going for a full bimbo route, you'll also get to the sex scenes a lot faster, so know that before you complain about taking too long to get to sex scenes. And if you aren't into the bimbo stuff, this might not be the game for you. You can still enjoy it, but don't complain about bimbo content if you're gonna play a game with a heavy focus on bimboification.
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    Game's great - unique setting, interesting and niche choice of kinks and sex scenes insanely good.

    Sadly, I feel like author not only trying to destroy all Kira's braincells but players' too. Story is okayish, some things seem too forced and other outline stupid but overall is fine for porn game. It all falls apart in dialogue writing. I literally got headache from reading them. They are tedious, long and don't make any sense. It might be funny first and second time but when the same trope repeats itself for the 100th time it's just horrendous.

    Outright idiot character: *dumb bullshit*
    Kira: "Hey, you are an idiot. stop saying dumb bullshit"
    Outright idiot character: *continues saying dumb bullshit*

    Rinse and repeat for 10 minutes until player dies from either blueballing or cringe. And that leads us to the next point - as I said in the beginning, sex scenes are insanely good. But there's one catch - they're also insanely rare, especially if you don't like to force these kind of things. I honestly think author just trolling at this point, so many scenes feel like they will lead to some sexy time to just abruptly end in the middle with nothing.

    And my last complain - comedy in dark setting is pretty rare genre and when done right masterpiece is created (ex. A Series Of Unfortunate Events). But game doesn't deliver, comedy is lackluster and dark/serious moments just feel out of place to the point of no caring.

    TL;DR: Could have been a great game if every dialogue didn't feel like a chore and time between sex scenes were adjusted. Humour could have been so much better if it wasn't 90% focused on "hey, this stupid guy is stupid. Now laugh". Also good to mention - branching paths will lead to disappointment in the end, seeing "still in development" just kill any motivation to keep playing.

    P.S. Holy shit I was pissed when I found out drinking quest is actually playable until the end. Why I thought otherwise? Well, in hints it is stated that "This quest is incomplete and will be finished in future updates". I guess whining on piracy website about piracy and making another pointless rework is more important than QoL updates.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    Great game, unfortunately the progress is a bit slow, but the art and story is top notch.

    If the game had a proper gallery mode (as the devs put a lot of focus into variations of scenes that are difficult to find/see), I'll change my review to a 5/5.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Mmm! chefs kiss
    Great writing, great (as in not fucking tedious like most RPGM games) gameplay, great art. You're in control of how your character changes throughout the story, and the game is actually built to respond to any of the possible versions of the MC that you could've created. My biggest issue is that it feels like bimbofication is inevitable, since I personally fucking hate bimbos.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game. There's a lot of content both story wise and fucking. This is made more immersing by the amount of character customization from hair and clothing, to body proportions, to personality. Not to mention it has the best bimbofication plot fully through. To add a cherry on top the image quality and art style is great.

    However, there are some minor bugs and glitches such as some clothing popping 'into' the hair or body. However, these are minor and do not affect the story or progression. The are also rare and really short.

    The best thing about this game is the amount freedom it gives you and the world is expanded upon every update. -V0.4.7
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    [Edit 6/20/21: Just expanded on my impressions with the dialogue system alongside the quests more]

    Down the Soviet shanty alleys of communistic Lenin busts, and well, other more enticing ones, what do we find here? Well, a rather unique world with a great structure for absolute corruptive fun that's unfortunately marred by frustrating dead ends and a bugfest to top it off.

    Also, I'll try to be as honest as I can with this review, I have not completed the game fully so take that into account and play it for yourself. As I feel the first run of this game is probably the best, just get used to that considering that this game doesn't have a save converter for new releases, hence, old saves usually don't work. Which leads me to say that this game is the definition of tedious for every new release. Anyways, onto the review.

    The white whale of my games. This comes so close to being something like Noxian Nights, where eventually, you could walk around as a sluttified, corrupted character and bang anybody in sight. Or just really any corruptive rpg game, but this one has juice, it has a world, fantastic scenario ideas, a nice character and fantastic art. But, for the past two years, or really ever since the inception of this game, it has pretty much never gotten to that point despite the game blue balling the player to the high heavens in preaching it. It's starting to introduce more repeatable events with its recent version, however, so many of the good parts of the game are one time occurrences, and with a high level bimbo or slut character it just doesn't make sense.

    But to explain the context of this game to hopefully make the above make sense, you play as Kira, you have no memory, you wake up in a Soviet smut dystopia and meet a doc that wants to absolutely corrupt you into nothing more than just an H generating machine. It sets the basis that you can either become a slut, a bimbo, or just become a renegade (ie the good path). Most I presume will go the former routes and just want to have a nice time, but that nice time rarely comes.

    Going as either a slut or bimbo subjects you to scenes were you presumably devolve through hypnotism into a freeuse sloot, and even features a hefty amount of dialogue that presumably corrupts Kira to hop on anyone with two to four legs right after. But what happens once you walk out of those scenes? You talk to random NPC's and still say "creep" or "God what an asshole" after being told to embrace everything she's been against in terms of rejecting sex and perversion. Even if you are completely naked, and have gone through further sessions of pure debauchery telling you to succumb to whatever they say, with a high stat of lust, you still tell rando pervs "Go fuck yourself".

    It's completely asinine when you have a bunch of body writing, refuse to wear underwear, having everything out there exposed only to reject what the game is promising you from the get go. And how much this game just teases you into thinking that it'll finally open up, only for the good stuff to still be stuck in quests, with your corrupted/sluttified Kira only shining then, and nowhere else for the most part. It just creates a heavy contrast that goes against the core of those routes, when you walk around the city that still treats you as a normal person rather than the one you are narratively building (ie a nudist, freeuse thinking Kira). As yes there are great scenes in this game, you have certain parts where the lewd is fantastic but again, those scenes are usually one time occurrences and you're dropped back down into a Kira that makes no sense on the streets.

    And to expand on the bugs, this game breaks so damn easily. Quests, if not done properly (and even if done properly) are prone to sequence-breaking. Early on there's a nude exhibitionist park event you have to do, that's broken considering that the only way to beat it is by getting captured by the guards and winning the trial after. You do anything else it bugs Kira out into being a nudist unable to re-equip her clothes (not intentional). That's only one of many broken ends that can potentially happen in quests. And quests themselves sometimes feel esoteric in how you're supposed to go about them. It's tough at times, even with the ingame hints as to what to do, or the times where you have no active quest and you're wondering if you're at the edge of the version or if you have to do something to trigger the next mission. It's often times a maze. Hence, the whole game up til now feels incredibly ramshackle despite having some success in fixing some of its rougher edges.

    Even further, the amount of times you have to reload a save and go through the same dialogue/quest hurts since the game has no fast forward option with text, so get used to holding enter as you try and spear back to a horrific charge unto the end. Oh and the dialogue, the writing is somewhat funny. It has it's moments of memery that actually give a chuckle and lay down a nice vibe for what characters say. But my God. There's a lot of it, too much of it really, and if there was a skip text button it wouldn't be too much of an issue. But there isn't. So get used to slogging through discussions about absolutely nothing for the most part (and seeing them more than once with the aforementioned issues).

    I apologize if this feels rather impassioned, but this game for so long has held my interest in what it wants to become, but it just keeps avoiding the elephant in the room. That elephant being not enough repeatable scenes and its inability to really realize what they're offering for both the Bimbo and Slut routes when it comes to what the game is narritively promising you. And bugs. Tons o'bugs. 3/5 but if it ever reaches on what it preaches (and fixes itself) easy 5/5. It's good for a once over but don't hurt yourself if the game starts fighting back.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    CG arts :

    It look awesome, drawn by professional artist from what I seen.

    Story :

    Unique dystopia , light humor and erotic , the story is well written.

    Sound :

    Great music, no voice actress in the game or spoken lines.

    Bugs or error :

    I haven't found one,

    Gameplay :

    No combat , there is a conflict that involve fighting but just a choice to choose from to solve a problem there is no actualy combat systems. The game is smooth I didn't encounter any lagging during the gameplay.

    Suggestion :

    All thing said wish that we had a skip text fast forward options there is a great story but at time we want to skip it just to get to the next scene.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is really great, creating a more open world experience. The art is also superb (well most of it). The dialogues also make sense if we consider the intelligence system the maker has built into the game.

    But, the lack of technical bad ends have created some really unbalanced changes in the game if you reach close to what can be called a bad end in any other game.

    Other than that, if you are depraved enough, go ahead and take the jump. I dont know anything else I could add here.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Good art, game play doesn't feel grindy. Story and setting are cool, and the open world feels open ended enough. Some minor glitches/errors in story logic, but nothing to take any marks off for. Haven't finished my play through, may have more to say after, but right now I it's one my favorites.