I just don't get this game at all. I don't know why it even exists.
Dreams of Desire is still one of my favorite games of all time, I still have it on my PC and replay it from time to time. But this is no Dreams of Desire. It's clear that so much time and effort is being put into making the free-roam aspect, and "filling out" (still not full though) the grindy fucking world, that we're still lacking any real or substantial content.
Did no one learn from Dreaming of Dana? No? Didn't bother researching. Strange that.
I just don't understand the thinking of
Lewdlab is making this game free-roam.
I used to support them for a while, as Dreams of Desire was being developed. I had to stop when I saw what this was becoming.
I might check back in a couple of years, maybe then we'll see something. I just can't support this in any way, shape or form. I'm not willing to pay for this, or even play it for free.